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Laser gum cleaning is used to treat periodontal (gum) disease and is generally less invasive than traditional surgery. Our laser operates at a specific wavelength that attacks the bacteria that contributes to gum disease while leaving healthy tissue intact. Post-surgical recession and tooth sensitivity, which can be significant following traditional gum surgery, are also greatly reduced. Patients also typically report less pain and discomfort during and after the procedure, compared to traditional gum surgery. They enjoy fast healing times and more predictable results. 

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Gum disease isn’t widely talked about, but can have a big impact on your life.  Patients suffering from gum disease often feel less confident and fear losing their teeth as untreated gum disease will lead to tooth loss. 

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What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal (gum) disease begins when a film called plaque accumulates on the teeth. If it is not removed efficiently with daily brushing and flossing the calcium from saliva hardens the plaque-this calcified plaque is called tartar or calculus. Certain types of germs that live in this plaque and calculus damage gum tissue.  Your body tries to fight this infection with an inflammatory attack, sending white blood cells to the area to destroy the bacteria. This inflammation causes the tissue to bleed easily when you brush or floss. This stage of the condition is called gingivitis. 

If the infection and inflammation persists, the result is a chronic inflammatory condition where the gums, ligament and bone around the teeth are destroyed - often with no symptoms. This stage is called periodontitis.

Watch the video below to learn more. 


our lASER treatment process

We use the only laser periodontitis treatment protocol that is cleared by the U.S. FDA and is clinically and histologically proven to regenerate new gum tissue, ligament and bone. Learn more about our process:

Laser Process Step by step 

Step 1

(Hover over image for description)

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The Perio probe indicates excessive pocket depth and bone defects. 

Laser energy vaporizes bacteria, diseased tissue, pathologic proteins, and alerts the practitioner to the presence of tartar.

This graphic is for illustrative purposes only and is not a technical representation of the laser protocol. Usage without permission is prohibited. Copyright 2016 MDT, Inc. Copyright 2016 IALD. All rights reserved. 

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Untreated periodontal disease will lead to tooth loss.

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